Who Am I?
Who am I really? Just a random girl. With a random family. A random big sister of a younger brother. A brief history about me. I am an Albanian girl who has been living her whole life in a traditional way of thinking, according to many things that we do in life. I just recently came to United States (a year ago to be more precise), just because I was lucky enough to win a lottery to be here. Everything seemed new and unfamiliar until I learned how people lived their lives over here, how they thought, how they felt. Now nothing surprises me anymore. Maybe you would say a short time for a person to adapt. I would say yes, but for me it's not that hard when I say and decide inside my head that this something is for the best. Since I came the only thing that has been hard to deal with, has been being away from my family. Coming from a country where everything has in its center the family-oriented traditional life it was kinda hard adapting, but eventually I believe each one of us has the power to do so and that's what I did to. Life is different over here. In a sense, it feels like it is running somewhere whereas back home it seemed that life had stopped and most of the time I would feel like I would have to run to catch it. But here I feel like I have to stop. Isn't it funny how life works like that sometimes. So far I have figured that it doesn't matter where you really are as long as you bring the best out of everywhere that you are. I don't believe it's that much of a matter of culture or tradition, or the place, or the people that you're with, as long as you find a way to perceive that reality and merge into it in the correct way. And if in the end you still feel that you don't belong in that place than maybe is time to make the big move, which most of the time is moving somewhere else. For me so far I can say that it has worked out pretty well. It was about 2 years and a half ago and I was having a coffee at a lunch time, back home with my best friend, and I was saying to her: " I don't know what is it with me but I feel like I'm not in the right place. I feel like I'm missing on my life." I said :"Every road and every tree over here I have memorized it by heart and I feel like I should look at other roads, other trees or other people." And the truth is I really wasn't sure what I meant by that. I knew that something needed to change but I didn't know at the time. It didn't take long and after 2 or 3 months I found out that I was one of the 11.8 million people around the world that had won the right to be a permanent resident in US. I cried and felt like my whole life that I had lived so far was for nothing, cause now it was about to change forever. And I realized that every time that I had been worried and stressed was for nothing cause I was destined to be somewhere else anyway. Isn't it funny how you never think or actually believe that you are gonna achieve some things and in the end you end up doing those exact things. I dare say imagine believing that you can actually do those things. What a great achievement would that be! I believe that that would speed up the process. I hope this article finds you in the best way possible my loves!
My Life
Hello Loves! So lately I am going through a transitional phase on my life. I really don't know how to explain with big words but I feel like I am walking on different frequencies. Higher ones. Since I was able to speak and started to actually have ideas, when I was a little girl, I had this strange feeling that there is something out there which is bigger than us. I felt like I had to do something in my life, in the future but I didn't know what was it. Or how, or when was it going to come. Since I can remember, I had that feeling that if I became one with the earth itself and the entire universe and cosmos, my life would change forever. So far these topics has been occupying most of my time for 4 years now. Everyday I was learning something new by doing researches. But the one person that really changed the way I viewed life was one guy called Matias de Stefano. I remember I was scrolling on Instagram and saw this guy who said that he remembered his past lives. I didn't usually believe in these hypothesis but when I watched one of his videos, I was convinced. I was just saying inside my head that this guy is telling the truth. And a lot of my relatives didn't believe me. Even my family. They actually told me not to listen or watch this kind of videos anymore cause I would become distracted from this reality and maybe following these delusional hypothesis. But when I listened to him something changed and gave answer to all the questions that I had been going inside my head since I was a little girl. Recently I have been listening to old interviews with famous writers, psychologists and scientists who explained these universal theories by science. And now I am getting more and more information everyday to help me strengthen these ideas and beliefs. I woke up one day and decided that I should and can, take full responsibility of my life. I began questioning if I should allow life take action for me or should I be the one to be the master of it.
Sometimes we allow life to choose for us, to make decisions for us, maybe just by thinking that we don't have the strength. We just live and life brings everything to us. But the main question that has been going in my mind is, what if I master it and not the other way around. According to the Law of Mentalism which is basically the law of Crown Chakra it says: "Everything in the universe is a creation of mind; we create our own reality". By that it means that we are the ones that create life and not the other way around. We are the creators and by the way that we think, we decide our reality. If we think positive, we get positive and if we think negative, we get only negative results. The Law of Correspondence says: "Everything in the universe that is outside of us is a perfect reflection of what is inside of us and vice versa". Watching to many people talking about the way that we think affects us and bringing together at the same conclusion, I am more convinced that we can control our thoughts. Elizabeth Gilbert in her book Eat, Pray, Love says: "We can select our thoughts, the same way we select our clothes in the morning". Most of the time, myself included, we forget to appreciate the present and worry about how we are gonna get all the things that we want in the future. Maybe complaining about in what way we are gonna get them or are we actually gonna get them. But what we do in the present affects the future. Jesus also said "Kingdom of heaven is within you". If you take the most famous people all around the world that actually succeeded in their lives, they agreed to the same thing "Thing big and grow big". But the true power is not thinking how or when, but allowing the time of the universe to work for you. The only thing we can actually do is just be. To be fully on the present.
What is Manifestation and How to Manifest you dream life ?
So one day I started doing some researches of what it is to do manifestation exactly. I realized that I had had a wrong opinion of it so far. I watched many videos and did many articles' researches and all the spiritual people agreed on one thing: "Feel the presence of the moment!" This is the way to pray, or better manifest whatever you want from your life. Somebody else was saying that universe says only "Yes" and the only way to use that, is by putting everything that you desire in a sense that you already have those things. The difference between "I want a better life" and "I see myself living a better life" is crucial. That is why the prayer doesn't usually work. You have to say the right affirmations. You have to imagine of how it would feel for you if you actually had those things, that you were already asking for. Do you know what abracadabra actually means. It means :"I will create, as was spoken!" In other words to actually believe that what your saying, is gonna be put into the action of doing. Anything and everything in the universe is a matter of believing. I decided to put together all the information that I had learned so far and concluded it in simple steps that I'm gonna share them with you. There are 5 easy steps that I used and I'm using still:
1) Let go of the past. I can say for sure that most of us deal with this and myself included. I sometimes get so attached to the past, in certain memories, that I feel like some sort of mushroom grown in a tree that both of us have created a symbiotic relationship where we are trying to benefit from each other constantly. But this is a toxic relationship to have. Nor having this kind of relationship with the future. Just enjoying the presence of the Present. That is the only non-toxic relationship in my opinion that we all should have. Living fully on the present. Learning from the past and not getting stuck of the ideas of what it could have been. Why not look at it, on the perspective that, if it was supposed to happen, it would have. Why not thinking that it happened for the one reason only, which is to become and evolve. And that's it. Let go of it and move on.
Like the river. When it sees some obstacles it never stops really but, it flows through them.
2) Know yourself. Just calm yourself down for a second and don't think. Empty whatever it is on your mind. Know your Strength and Weaknesses. For me for example, one of my weaknesses, it would be that sometimes I just worry about the timing of the universe. Most of the time I catch myself thinking, when is it gonna happen. Is it gonna take that long? I know it will one day, but somehow I should be more patient and trust the universe timing. When it comes to the universe there is no rush. Cause, really time only exists in the third dimension, our dimension. But not in the forth or fifth for example. What I did is just wrote it out in 2 columns. The strength and weaknesses. Now, to actually fix or improve the weaknesses, it's not that easy. It needs time. But what I really think about the weaknesses is that, I don't actually believe those as unchangeable. Or that somebody's character is defined in a life-long term. I believe that our thoughts determine and shape our character as well. To me weaknesses are only emotions or impulses or even thoughts that we give in. Thoughts that we have created for ourselves or that the world has created for us. What I actually do that helps is that I recognize these feelings coming to me and then take my time to respond or react to it. In this way I create a normalizing state of them where I don't give in right away, but I master them.
3) Start having positive thoughts and you'll get positive affirmations. By having positive thoughts we put ourselves in a high vibration. And according to the Law of Cause and Effect:" The high or low vibrations we put out into the universe will return to us at the same level of high or low, and this is because of the conservation of the energy." It's just as simple as that. But the hard part is not just thinking blissfully, but actually believing it. Believing the presence of the thinking. To be fully align with positive thinking and believing in those thoughts with your whole being, means you are creating a new version of yourself which is on a high vibration (Law of vibration or frequency). You are living on the present moment.
4) Create a routine of affirmations. Repetition is the key. Most of us don't really realize, how important it is to repeat a mantra everyday. Why do you think we learn all the things we learned when we were little. To speak the same language, the same culture, the same traditions like our environment does. Repetition. If we input in our daily lives a block of quotes like: " I am so happy now that I see myself....", it will change our lives drastically. Always in the present tense; that is the key. Even for the things that you don't have already. Create a detailed picture. The more details, the better. Repeat these affirmations in the morning and before you go to sleep at night and it's gonna change your life forever. It certainly has changed mine. What are you doing is seeing yourselves already with those things. This is manifestation. The beauty of it is that even when these things come, you've already felt the presence of it, so you never really missed those things. You were living fully even when you didn't physically have those.
5) Start actually to find a way or ideas, of how can you become that version. Don't just wait for the universe to show you the way, cause you never know how long is it gonna take. If you wanna speed things up a little bit, what you do instead is that you start acting like the way you would want to see yourself in the future. How would that better version of you respond to different situations, people, life; or how would that version would wanna live his or her own life. Become what you already see yourself to be. It's all in the mind.
In the end all I have to say is that I hope it works out for you guys as it has worked out for me so far. Always remember that we control our thoughts and we are the masters of our lives and not the other way around. Everything in our lives that we already have, we have put it there. If you don't like your reality, change it. You can cause you are the creator!
Random thoughts
Since I came in here too many things have changed. I changed. I became more than I thought I would. I discovered so many things about myself that I didn't know I had those things inside of me, in the first place. I changed how I viewed life and love most of all. One best trait that I have inside of me and it is basically the only thing that has helped me overcome any obstacle, is that, I have always seen life as stages. Different stages that you get to learn. That you have to learn. I figured if you still haven't learned your lesson, you still are gonna do the same mistakes. I've always had this thing that I try to learn from my past mistakes, otherwise I feel like I'm gonna disappoint myself. I feel like I'm gonna let myself down. I feel like I am aware enough to repeat it again. The only time I have repeated one mistake again, has been only when big and indescribable emotions were involved. And that has happened only once so far in my life. It was the first time for me giving completely in and though I new I was surrendering in to my impulses, I said I'm still doing this thing. I chose to go with the flow. The flow of life. And in the end I started punishing myself that I was seeing it all the time and yet I did nothing. And subconsciously I responded to defend myself:
"To become". I decided that I was being to hard on myself just for making one mistake. I've always been careful through my entire life and it felt like a loss to me for doing one. You see it doesn't matter if you do mistakes cause when you think about it there are no mistakes really. There are only experiences. You are the only one that decides if that experience is gonna help you grow as an individual and move on or, be stuck with it in the past. It doesn't matter if you do it once. There is no flaw in there. The broken mechanism is when you didn't learn from it and you keep repeating the same things over and over again that you know are not in your beneficial. I heard a quote somewhere that it said: " The first time is a mistake, the second a choice and the third became a habit." Don't let mistakes define you. It's never to late to change. Ever! Don't ever feel like you are an error. Let the past be a lesson for everyone, the present a treasure and the future a mystery. It's so easy to say the first worst thought that it comes in your mind but remember "positive thinking". We are the creators of our own reality. And what this reality is really, is only an illusion. Our illusion. Put yourself in a high vibration. Think and dream big and with faith and focus on that picture of your future self. I don't know what you guys think about destiny but since I believe in this creating our reality thing I don't actually believe in what we call 'destiny'. Sometime ago I did, but now I kinda believe that each one of us has a purpose in their lives, which most of the time is confused with destiny. I don't believe that our course of events are predetermined. I believe that the only purpose is to become self-aware and in coherence with our higher selves. I believe that, that is the only destiny that we have. It's our job to do that cause nobody else can do it for us. Not even your own family. We shouldn't wait for destiny to come up from the sky, to come and save us. We should act as well and the way is gonna be shown to us in the process of making it.
Loving Love!
So the topic that I decided to talk today is about love. I have heard many people say that love changes you, makes you a better person etc. I believe there are so many misconceptions about it. In the same time I think it's as easy but as hard as well. So far I've seen enough movies, listening to different stories, songs, reading books and going through a lot, and came to the conclusion that to be in love means to be Yourself. This is the part that gets a little tricky even though, this is supposed to be the easier part. Most of us don't know how to be ourselves and deep down we don't even know why that happens. The two main reasons I believe are: maybe that we don't recognize ourselves enough or maybe we are afraid to let it be. But the thing is that, it is really important for us to find out who we truly are. In my opinion we shouldn't go from one relationship to another without fixing who we really are. That is a predetermined decision that is gonna lead to failure anyway. Why I say that. Cause we are depending entirely from the other person, to reveal who we are. But maybe the other person don't want to do that for you, or maybe he is trying to fight his/her own battles. And normally it is not his/her job to do that for you. You are the only one who can change your reality. Usually these are the scenarios that happen, cause we attract what we are. And our partners tend to be with the same scars and wounds like us. Me myself I tried going out to know more new people cause I thought that maybe you should look for love. Kinda like a researcher. I believed that if I didn't look for it, I would miss an opportunity or a person who could have been the one. But this is entirely wrong. Whatever I have learned so far is that, if you really want something in your life, don't go and look up for it, but look inside of yourself. Truly realize of how it would feel if you had those things. Be content with your life. What that means is that you don't need to chase anymore but you start to attract. Creating a beautiful garden, where the butterflies come to you and you don't need to chase them anymore. Waiting patiently. Patience is really a virtue. And the sooner we all understand the concept the better.
Now I wanted to talk about how do we recognize that the person that we are dating is the right one. Now I've seen so many videos on instagram or tiktok and I agree with some of them. But still I have my own opinions according to what has happened so far in my life. I usually don't take things for granted but I question them before getting to a conclusion. I realized that to recognize the right person is very hard cause maybe one person can be bad for you but the funny thing is that, the same person can become the whole world to another girl/guy and not necessarily you. This is because we are all different. We want different things. I was taking a walk some while ago and thought to write down, how would I know, me as Kejsi. What are the things that would make me feel secure enough since the very first time I meet that person to continue with him. How should he act, that I should say deep down: "This person can be the one!". Here are the steps I concluded, that I think anybody should consider:
1) The first one is the feeling that since the very first time that you look into their eyes, it's like you have known them forever. Now some people can describe this at 'Love at first sight'. I wouldn't call it like that exactly. What I would say is that two people are recognizing their souls. I just believe that the eyes are the window of the soul. The subconscious mind is nothing but the soul. And if we want to attract a soulmate, it should begin with the soul. The eyes. Not the body, not the mind. Cause how we sell ourselves, especially on the first dates, is gonna attract the guy/girl that wants to buy exactly those things. It's crucial, in my opinion that we sell our souls first. Not in the meaning that we should fall head over heels and not being aware of what's happening. But in the meaning that reveal who we really are since the first time that we see that somebody. If that person likes that part of you then you're both good to go! If not then there are other people that are gonna appreciate how you are without wanting to change you. Why stay and try to convince. What's the point really. Somebody either likes you, or they don't. I never try to convince somebody how I am. I simply reveal who I am. Without any fear of judgement or refusal.
2) Compatibility. Now I believe after the first stage of recognizing the other person's soul, feeling really attracted with that person physically and emotionally, then is the time for us to question things, but using the mind this time. So we are basically three things. Mind, emotion and body, or spirit, soul and body. So in the beginning of any relationship what we do most of the time is that we use our bodies in the first dates. And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that. But the thing is to make something that you want to last forever, you need to ask questions. So every time that you meet with this person, you start making questions. The questions should consist if you both as individuals are mentally, emotionally, physically and also financially compatible. Let's presume that you are already emotionally and physically compatible. The financial part I believe that it's crucial two. For two people to be together, I believe that they should have at least the same level monetary cause otherwise it's gonna cause problems. Let's say that you want to eat at a restaurant every Friday and you are doing it on your own. Just going over there and enjoying your steak alone or even with some friends. But the person you're meeting doesn't want to spend money every Friday cause he/she doesn't actually have the money to do that. This is how the problems begin. A best friend of mine has told this to me years ago and I didn't really believed it. As I got older, I understood its meaning. Now what about the mental part. If you for example, want to settle down and to create a family one day and maybe after 5 years, you see yourself actually having those things and the other person says: " I don't necessarily see myself with kids", or "I'm not sure of what I want" ,why on earth would you wanna continue dating that person. We date and accept the person that already is, not the possibility of that person. Everything should be aligned. Mental, physical, emotional and also the financial part. Cause that person is gonna change for good anyway. When somebody is in love, it activates some neurons that produce only positive thoughts. That person starts to act in higher vibration. But choosing somebody that you're not compatible with since the first time, hoping that that person is gonna change his/her mind, what a waste! Another friend of mine, lived for 3 years with his girlfriend. And since the very beginning she had told him, that she didn't want kids. And in fact he wanted them. And he told me, that he assumed that she was gonna change her mind. And after 3 years living together in peace, loving each other, he wanted to do the next step, but she still wasn't ready. And they ended the relationship. I believe sometimes things are so easy and we tend to complicate them just cause we refuse to listen to our guts. Just because you like somebody doesn't necessarily mean they are gonna make you happy. The key is to find somebody who you're gonna live in peace with.
3) Peace. If you somehow feel free and every time that you hang out with that person he/she gives you the sense of peace, this is another good indicator. Peace is a big word but maybe the only one we should seek for. The other person should heal your wounds and bring joy and happiness and not the other way around. Together it should be that feeling, like you are both free. Like you are hardly two separate souls.
4) Integrating. If after a while you start integrating your lives together, and maybe you can start having some little fights, cause everybody does in one point or another, how you both solve these little conflicts is the key to having a lifelong and peaceful relationship. The key is not to try and fix each other but the problem. And lots of us try to put the blame to our partners and not necessarily point at ourselves. In a harmonious relationship, you say sorry just cause you hurt your partner and try to fix the problem. Rather then in bad - balanced relationship, you point the finger against the other person.
Overall these are subjective matters. I don't want anybody to think that I know better than anybody else. These are my opinions. My thoughts. But before giving these ideas, I am practically implementing these in my life and they have changed my life so much. Just remember, be yourselves since the first time you meet somebody. You don't have to prove anything. The right person is not gonna ask you to prove anything, but just to be you. Nobody wants to date an illusion, cause in the end either way your true nature is gonna show up. Why not save yourself some time. Why not try with a person who appreciates you since the first time. Be real. Be you!
How to become one with your feminine energy
So I've been thinking lately what would be a really good topic to talk about. I found out that it would be interesting to talk about the feminine energy and how to become more feminine, if you're not already where you want to be when it comes to being a nurturing energy such as the feminine one. So as always I have gathered enough information before going to these conclusions. What is the feminine energy first of all according to me? I would say in my opinion is to nurture. When I think of a feminine energy I think of the nurturing, the one that creates, the one energy which sees the positive and the beautiful aspects in almost everything. Now I have listened to different podcasts and seen some really famous videos and basically arrived in the conclusion of how can a women become more feminine or in other words more attractive. First of all, I need to say that I don't like some videos spread throughout the internet about using the feminine darker energy to manipulate man, and how to make them obey to you. I know that in the core they have femininity but I usually don't agree with manipulating energies and especially to use it towards people. So to be feminine doesn't mean that you have to change your behavior cause at the end of the day you're still gonna reveal your real self. It's gonna show itself, so it's not permanent. What we can do is only looking from within and there are all the answers. Cause we already are feminine. We just need to express it more. Here are some tips that I believe are gonna make each girl more feminine and attractive.
1) Start accepting and receiving. Nowadays it's becoming more and more difficult for women to accept help and I believe that is happening for many reasons like: they have been through a painful heartbreak, got cheated or hurt, or something that may have happened through their childhood. And what these obstacles have led to, is leading the society where females tend to become more masculine according to the energy that they release. It's a fact that every women needs to feel safe and loved from the man but still the energy that they transmit is "I can do it on my own!" or "I don't actually need a man!" And that is true, cause the biggest soulmate is actually ourselves. Each one of us has the power inside of us. But if you want to become one with your feminine side, you shouldn't have these thoughts in the first place. You can say "I am content with my life and if it happens to be with another person then it's fine too", but not necessarily go to the other extreme limit. I was hearing to one podcast, with a relationship therapist, who I follow on social media, and she was saying how women don't ask anymore when they need help, or when they want to communicate their needs. When it comes to communicating my needs, I'm responsible as well, that I assume that the other person should know what I want or need. And the truth is they don't. Or even if they do they're not certain. We need to speak out but in a gentle not argumentative way. To be feminine means to be vulnerable and not to see asking help, as a sign of weakness. Men most of the time like to be the fixers, cause the truth is, they are really good at solving problems. So just let them be the fixers.
2) Nurturing. Nurture everything that you see. Help your parents, your siblings, your friends, basically people in general. No other knows better than a women when somebody is in need for help. The women are more intuitive than the man. It's in their nature. So we know how to act most of the time. We can read people's energies. So we can use that on a good deed.
3) Self Confidence. I'm actually having real fun, talking in this area. I know that in today's society everything is going towards Social Media, but what I believe is that most of the things are an illusion. By that I mean that they are real people out there who reveal their real selves and those are the kind of people that I follow and listen to. But the rest, on my opinion are only showing what's convenient to them or part of the truth. That's basically a lie then. Everybody should look their selves in the mirror and say this is who I am and I like me. But what can we do when we don't really have a good self-image. How can we improve that? That when we look at ourselves, we should say "You're beautiful and worthy!" Here are some tips that has helped me to improve my self-image and I'm still using them as we speak:
a) Going to the gym and being in shape. What you're doing with that, is that you're becoming healthier. Becoming more lighter and that means being in a higher vibration with your body.
b) Emphasize the physical features that you think are the best in your body. And by that I mean the way that we dress or carry ourselves. I have read on an old book of Sophia Loren, which is considered to be a beauty icon on those times, and she said that she knew that her nose was bigger and longer than it should be just because everybody was pointing out that feature in her. And what she did was, emphasizing the size of her eyes by pulling the attention to her magnificent eye makeup which resists even nowadays. If you have a beautiful feature, just emphasize it, in a natural way. What you're doing with that is pointing out what you appreciate in yourself the most, by not thinking of what you don't like in yourself.
c) Improve your attitude. If you have a certain areas that you believe you can work on, to improve your attitude of how you would really like to see yourself acting in life then, do the strengths and weaknesses test that I have mentioned in the previous posts. And create a vision on your mind and write it down of how would you like to respond to life or people. And read it everyday and remind yourself often enough on a daily basis. And try to become that. It's like that famous saying: "Fake it, till you make it". By repeating it often enough, sooner or later you'll be doing it without even realizing.
d) Good posture. Remind yourself most of the time that the posture shows everything about a person. I have met people through my life so far and some of them, were relatively short, but when it came to posture, you could tell that they liked themselves. That they were really content with how they were, even though, they were relatively short. So just try to straighten your body whenever you can. When you do that you also transmit pulses to your brain that you're more open to receive and give.
e) Eye contact. It was a time that I couldn't look people directly in their eyes. I used to shy away when they looked me directly on my eyes. But what I discovered is that, that is a sign of fear. A self confident women is not afraid to look somebody in peoples' eyes, but in the contrary it looks deep down into them. The look of the nurture and vulnerability. So try to incorporate that more. Try to do exercises with yourself or somebody close to you.
4) Don't chase, attract. You know exactly what this means. Have boundaries. Make a list of what are some traits for example that you know, that you can never cope with. If the person that you're dating or going out with doesn't have even one of them, then don't compromise cause we shouldn't accept the possibility but the person itself. Be clear of what you want and have defined boundaries. After you do a list with your boundaries, you visualize then, exactly how would the perfect man be for you? How would he make you feel? How would it be, living with him? Then you just patiently go on with your life until he manifests himself on the physical realm. Don't think for him as you need to have that person. Cause then you'll never have it. Just send him love whenever you think of him and in the meantime start working on yourself. On things that you don't want to bring on this relationship. In this scenario you are not chasing anyone or anything. You are living your life as best as you can, and if that man shows one day all of the sudden then you finally manifested your man, and if not, don't settle for less!
Just remember we attract what we are, even the people in our lives. So if you want a harmonious, well-balanced, loving relationship, you have to become that person first.
The power of now
So to start this blog I want to say that I didn't come with this title by accident. This is a famous quote from Eckhart Tolle, a really famous spiritualist and author of many famous books which one of them is the "Power of Now". So I have watched his interviews and other spiritual peoples' interviews and I've realized something really fascinating; which I assume most of us know, but a few of us apply it. What does it mean to live in the Now. In the present moment. To me it's like living inside a bubble. Not thinking about the yesterday. Not thinking about tomorrow. Just thinking about today. By that I mean to focus on 'intentionally' on the act that we are doing. According to Eckhart this is what the monks call "Zen". Zen means to enjoy the process of doing something and focusing in only one thing at a time. So what I've realized is that in today's life it's hard to do one thing at a time, cause we have to do so many things at once. Some things for example may have deadlines. Or maybe we have to be somewhere on time. So what should we do when life is too crazy. How can we manage to enjoy the present moment, without stressing out on finishing the things on deadline, or having to be somewhere on time. Here are some tips that I have been incorporating lately:
1) Repetition is the key. When we wake up in the morning, say: " Today is an amazing day". Don't say it in the future, cause you're gonna project it in the future and it basically doesn't exist. Even if you don't feel happy or satisfied. Do it everyday. Repetition is the only voluntary known method that people have to make themselves believe something. If you do it everyday, I promise you, is going to change something. You're gonna start to believe it.
2) Don't drink coffee in the morning, but replace it with tea or smoothies. What I drink each morning is a cup of warm water with honey and lemon. But you can drink even tea or herbals. It is going to have the same effect. The normal body doesn't need coffee to be active. If you start with positive affirmations in the morning, and a healthy routine, you're not gonna need externalizers cause you're going to feel your power from within and not depending it from outside.
3) Train your mind to think positive, even in the most difficult scenarios. According to the Law of Polarity, all vibrations in the universe have a positive and a negative polarity. This is how the universe evolves and ascends. We need the highs and the lows to learn something. If you cannot find something positive in the most struggling situations, then at least don't fight it. Just let it be. I usually don't fight with it. What I do is simply understand that everything happens for a reason which is to learn.
4) Breathe better. Laugh More. Whenever I am at work, I engage myself to do some breathing exercises. When we breathe we calm down our hormones. Breathing is basically essential for the soul. Just remember do not breathe from the mouth. Only through nose. Breathe in for 3 seconds, hold it for 3 seconds, and breathe it out for 3 other seconds. And try to increase the time that you hold your breath daily. And according to laughing, it is necessary for the spirit. Just laugh whenever you can. Even if you don't feel to. If you can't do naturally, then try to kinda force yourself until you get used to it. We need to laugh on a daily basis.
5) Transmit gratitude to the universe before you go to sleep. Understand that we are the universe itself, only in human form. Express gratitude for everything that you have. Even for the things that you don't. Express gratitude like you already have those things. This is manifestation as well. Send love to three people that you don't really get along very well.
You see, the trick is, in whatever you do, you shouldn't get pulled by the thoughts unless they are positive ones. Thoughts may come and go, but the right thing to do is not to react to them immediately. We should analyze if the coming thoughts are bringing the best out of me, or not. If not reject that idea. Also don't try to think for another thing, while you're doing something else instead. There is time for everything. It's like having a coffee with your best friend, and you're having a great time, but in the meantime, you're thinking "Oh I have to do this and that when I get back home. I don't know if I'm gonna have time." Even if these thoughts come, just don't get emotional, so in that way you don't energize them. This is how we manifest things everyday by not realizing it. Every thought, backed up by emotions or faith, manifests itself. Don't let your thoughts control you. We can control our own thoughts. It looks impossible, but it's not. You just have to repeat this process everyday to put it into action. Repetition is the key into gaining faith. You need only the will to do it. Promise me you're going to give it a shot. It's gonna change your life.
How to be spiritual on the Real World
I chose this topic cause I feel like it would help lots of people on how to be spiritual and peaceful in this fast and vast reality that surrounds us. Being enlightened it has its own challenges. The main challenge is dealing with unconscious people. To be honest I never really thought that I was going to have this kind of problem. But I did at some point. And I believe everybody that is enlightenment on his/her way there understands what I am saying. For me in the beginning it was frustrating. It still is sometimes. But I handle it right away. Or at least I am aware of it, in an instant. Reading the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, it gave me more insight of how to act in different situations that may appear in life and I recommend everybody to read it. A quick test of your inner peace is, if you respond or react to people or situations on your life. I realized that there are 3 scenarios what I found myself doing most of the time when I got confronted with these kind of situations and I wanna share them with you.
The first situation: Accept the situation as you would have chosen it. Most of the time I don't get reactive at different situations. I just simply observe it as it is and respond to it. What I used to do is I would react immediately cause deep down I am a really fiery person. I always was. But what I have realized is that when you are enlightened, it doesn't matter anymore how you are identified. You simply realize that just is. And you simply let go of everything. There are some particular people that I don't really enjoy or fancy their presence. And I would get really frustrated even just by mentioning their names. Cause they had hurt me. I would feel my emotions rising up and feeling like I was burning inside. Sooner I realized that I was the one who was carrying those emotions. Those people would affect me for some time and then leave and not even caring that they may have hurt me. Cause they don't even care. This comes because of their unconsciousness. And the funny thing that happened, is that the same people said the same things again and again and again, and the truth is I didn't give a damn anymore. Now I just look at them with some sort of observation and awareness. And I realize how unconscious and unhappy they are. The thing is that nobody can actually affect you. Only you can do that to yourself, if you let your mind control you and not the other way around.
The second situation: Change it. This basically means change your perception to it. This is the second step after you have accepted everything that is. If it still doesn't work, cause maybe the person or the situation is in a very low vibration and even though you have changed your perception, you just don't wanna deal with negative vibrations, then you can try manifesting. Try to build an image in your mind of you and that person being joyful together. How would it feel. Create the picture on your mind accompanied with the feeling. You're gonna see sooner or later that you're gonna project that into the other person without realizing it. What I also do whenever I meditate I sent love to that particular person that is kinda bothering me. And this helps as well. But it still needs time to blossom.
The third situation: If you feel that nothing good is coming out of this. You have learned your lesson and that person continue in the same way with unconsciousness then just leave. If you feel that you don't really have to stay in touch with that person, cause maybe he's not a relative or family or a best friend just leave. For me it was a time that I just wanted to go cause I was so frustrated and I didn't wanna deal with these kind of people anymore. And after I was calmed down I said, since this is still a trigger for me that means that I am not present enough yet. I still have work to do. And you can only realize it by how you confront to different situations. I then decided, that I am gonna stay with those people as long as it's not a trigger for me anymore until I have learned my lesson. It is hard and it needs time but everyone can do it. I did it with my so called impulsive nature so anyone can.
One thing is for sure that I believe anyone should know. Ego is not who you are. We can say that "I" is the ego and the "AM" is the being. The ego should be only used to find our purpose in this life and how to use tools outside of ourselves to reach that purpose. We shouldn't attach ourselves with it. We should only attach it with the "AM", the being. The universal consciousness. Enlightenment will not please your ego. It is a strange feeling, cause now I feel like I have no identity anymore. Cause if you don't react to anything but you accept everything, it is a weird feeling. It seems like you don't even have preferences anymore. You may have different taste form another person but you're not attached to it anymore. For me now, it feels like 'Kejsi' who was supposed to be energetic and reactive in different situations it's gone. It is a strange feeling like I am not even my name anymore. I am not even my body. I just am. And is this, "if I can call it 'sacrifice'" worthy in order to be at peace? I would say YES. But when you're so used to being an egoic being since the very first stages of childhood, letting go is scary. Cause you know that you cannot identify with who you thought you were anymore. The ego is nothing more then a false identity of your past self and a promise of your future identity. It is strange at first but you get used to it. You now realize that you feel everybody and everything as one. Let go of your past identity. The only thing that matters is the Here and Now. Everything else is an illusion. There is never a moment that is not now, nor will ever be. Past and future are egoic consciousness. Don't identify yourself with it. Don't overthink anymore, just let everything be as it is.